Community Planning logoCommunity Planning is all about public agencies working together with the community to plan and deliver better services which make a real difference to people's lives.

 The Community Planning Partnership is the formal mechanism for Community Planning in East Ayrshire and our Community Plan sets out our partnership's shared vision for the future.  

The Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Board comprises representation at elected member/non-executive Board level from core partner organisations as well as community and voluntary sector representation. Meetings are also attended by Chief Officers representing the core partner organisations. The Board sets the strategic direction for Community Planning in East Ayrshire and ensures effective performance through robust scrutiny, partnership working and leadership.  The current chair of the Community Planning Partnership Board is Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of East Ayrshire Council.

The Community Planning Executive Officers’ Group comprises representation at chief officer level from the core partner organisations. The Executive Officers’ Group (EOG) agrees and drives forward operational activity in respect of the Community Plan, and ensures effective implementation and appropriate monitoring and evaluation of the Delivery Plans and the Community Planning process. The Executive Officers' Group has a rotating chair for a one year term. The chair for 2024-25 is Lynne McNiven, Director of Public Health, NHS Ayrshire & Arran.

 Delivery Plan Working Groups - each comprising a designated Lead Officer and multi-agency/multi-disciplinary representation, to drive forward the activity and actions contained within the Delivery Plans, ensuring achievement of positive outcomes.