"East Ayrshire is a safe place to live where crimes of public disorder and violence have continued to reduce. We want to maintain this downward trend and ensure that people feel safe within their own homes and communities."

We have invested in our town centres and need to ensure that they are places that local people and visitors are confident to visit at any time during the day or night.

Safer Communities theme

Detailed below are the priorities under the Safer Communities theme which we will work to achieve over the lifetime of the Community Plan 2015-2030.

  • Make East Ayrshire a safe, secure and attractive place to live, work and visit.
  • Improve community safety in neighbourhoods and homes, and protect and support our most vulnerable individuals and families.
  • Promote our vibrant communities by encouraging active and responsible citizenship.

The local outcomes and priority actions which we will take as Partners can be found in the Delivery Plan for Safer Communities.

What success will look like
  • Our residents will feel safer and protected in their homes and in their communities.
  • Our town centres will be safe from crime and rowdy and drunken behaviour.
  • We will have disrupted organised crime groups and criminals involved in the supply of drugs.
  • We will have improved the uptake of drug/alcohol prevention and diversionary activities, in particular in areas where the need is greatest.
  • Our public protection arrangements will ensure protection and support services for children, young people and adults at risk of danger and harm.
  • We will have improved the response, support and interventions provided for victims of domestic abuse and their families.
  • We will have reduced instances of domestic abuse.
  • Drivers and pedestrians will use the roads network with a minimum risk of harm.
  • We will have reduced fire related incidents through prevention and early intervention approaches to fire safety.
  • We will have in place community justice arrangements which are fit for purpose and support reductions in reoffending.