Shaping our partnership plans for 2024-2027

Community Planning in East Ayrshire has an inbuilt three yearly planning cycle to allow us to review and reset our partnership work to ensure that it continues to reflect the needs and aspirations of our communities.

A review is currently being undertaken to develop a new Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and related delivery plans for the next three years, 2024-2027.

Emerging Priorities

As part of our planned review of our Community Plan, the CPP Board at its meeting on 14 March 2024 agreed our partnership priorities for the next 3 years as

  • Growth
  • Wellbeing
  • Fairness 
  • Sustainability

 Delivering Against Our Priorities

Our thematic delivery plan working groups have developed new plans, setting out the work to be taken forward over the next three years to achieve these priorities.
These are currently in draft form to allow stakeholders to consider and comment on the plans before they are finalised.

Understanding the Impact of Our Work

We are now working to develop a new Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2024-2027 (LOIP) which will support us to measure and demonstrate the impact of our partnership work to our communities and wider stakeholders.

Our new LOIP is currently in draft form and we would welcome any comments on this before it is finalised.

Any comments or feedback on these draft documents should be emailed to by Friday 17 May 2024. 
The final review recommendations will be presented to the CPP Board at its meeting of 13 June 2024.

A Note on our Review Process

Our review has been based on analysis of the available data relating to East Ayrshire; and on extensive stakeholder feedback that has been gathered during 2023/24. The engagement to gather this information has included a public consultation exercise led by colleagues in East Ayrshire Council during November-December 2023, to inform the Council’s budget setting process and the CP review. This consultation took the form of an online survey and a number of in person engagement sessions in communities across East Ayrshire. Separate sessions were also held to gather views from the East Ayrshire Equalities Forum, the Children and Young People’s Cabinet and local Elected Members.

Stakeholder engagement has also included two events which brought together officers from across our CPP, in December 2023 and April 2024, and direct engagement with the community representatives and other partners who are represented on our CP Board and related community planning structures.