Community Planning is about bringing lots of different stakeholders together and working in partnership to address our shared challenges and deliver better outcomes for local people.

These are just some examples of partnership working in East Ayrshire, with links to partner sites where you can find more information.


Community Justice

The Community Justice Ayrshire Partnership includes statutory and third sector organisations who work together to reduce reoffending and improve outcomes for people affected by the justice system.


Alcohol and Drugs

East Ayrshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) sits within Health and Social Care and works with a range of public and third sector partners to reduce alcohol and drug related harms.
The full current Strategic Improvement Plan is available as well as an easy read version


Children and Young People’s Services Plan

East Ayrshire Children and Young People’s Services Plan is developed in partnership with local children and young people and reflects the things that matter most to them.
Children and Young People's Service Plan 2023-2026 (11.77Mb)


Local Child Poverty Action Report

Our Local Child Poverty Action Report is developed in partnership across our CPP and is reported annually to our CPP Board in September each year.
Local Child Poverty Action Report 2022-23
Local Child Poverty Action Report 2021-22

Please note that from 2023-24 Local Child Poverty Action reporting is incorporated within the Children and Young People's Services Plan annual report.

 If you are involved in partnership work in East Ayrshire that you would like to see reflected on this page please contact