
An update from the Community Planning Partnership board.

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East Ayrshire By Numbers

View a range of key statistics we have collected about our community.

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Participation Requests

Information on Community Participation.

Learn how to participate


View our annual peformance reporting.

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Local Outcomes Improvement Plan

In East Ayrshire, the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP) underpins our Community Plan, providing the formal performance management framework against which partnership activity is measured. The LOIP annual report provides an opportunity for us to demonstrate partnership progress towards the achievement of agreed local outcomes for our communities and our work to address inequalities.

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High level priorities

Who are we?

Community Planning is about a range of partners in the public and voluntary sectors working together to better plan, resource and deliver quality services that meet the needs of people who live and work in East Ayrshire. Our vision is outlined in our Community Planning Review Supplement.

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Community planning in East Ayrshire logo

Keep up to date with community planning events

Check our community planning events calendar to find out about upcoming events.

Image of a calendar

Our Themes

Here are our core themes.

Image of people

Economy & Skills

Delivering economic recovery will benefit young and old, improve health and generate employment.

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Safer Communities

East Ayrshire is a safe place to live where crimes and violence have continued to reduce.

Image of people


Positive health and wellbeing is at the heart of our community planning arrangements.